网赌正规真人实体在线平台 offers a streamlined process to provide alternative work assignments or arrangements
for employees that are at high-risk of severe illness from COVID-19.
- Requests Related to Employees at High-Risk: Employees whose age or health condition falls within one of the CDC High-Risk categories may request a COVID-19 related alternative work assignment or arrangement by submitting
a COVID-19 High-Risk Employee Request Form with supporting medical verification from their health care provider.
- Requests Unrelated to Employees at High-Risk: Employee requests for a COVID-19 related workplace adjustment as a caregiver for an
individual with a disability, or due to a concern for someone in the same household;
or because of childcare issues, or any other reason unrelated to the employee being
in a high-risk category, the interactive process described above for high-risk employee
status does NOT apply. Such requests should be directed to the supervisor for evaluation
and consideration.
Employees who believe they will need an alternative work assignment or arrangement
as a high-risk employee should submit a Request Form as soon as possible in order to provide the necessary time for consideration of the
request and, as appropriate, implementation of an alternative work assignment or arrangement.
This will allow supervisors to anticipate and prepare for implementation of alternate
work assignments and arrangements for submission of their department or area-level
plans on July 1.
Once the Request Form and medical verification are received, they will be reviewed by the Human Resources
Office for evaluation with the employee’s supervisor to determine if the recommended
alternative work assignment or arrangement is feasible. The interactive process may
include multiple conversations, additional exchanges of information, evaluation of
the duties and responsibilities, and the employee’s skills and abilities prior to
determining an alternative work assignment or arrangement. A written determination
at the conclusion of the process will be provided to the employee along with any other
available options.
Those with questions about their request while it is under review may contact the
Human Resources Office.